About Rock Valley VMA

History of RVVMA

The Rock Vally Veterinary Medical Association unofficially started 75 years ago in 1940. A group of bovine veterinarians started meeting at the local Janesville Stockyard railroad terminal. They would exchange ideas about what they were seeing on different client farms in the country and how they were treating these conditions. Dinner was shared at these meetings along with a case of beer and a block of cheese. Wet labs were held at different farms or the fairgrounds. Dr. Jum Fessler demonstrated equine cryptorchid castration with running casting and a sharp pocket knife. Dr. peterson held various wet labs about physical and chemical restraint in horses and the 1980s and 1990s. The group continued to have the membership give practice tips and case reports until about 100. During the 80s and 90s, outside speakers were restricted to one per year, and no commercial presentations were allowed.

As area clinics remodled or built, the monthly meeting was held there rather than at a restaurant. Some of the clinics include Clinton Veterinary Clinic, Whitewater Veterinary Clinic, New Glarus Veterinary Clinic, Brodhead Animal Medical Center, Janesville Animal Medical Center, Evansville Veterinary Service, Monroe Veterinary Service, and Oregon Country View Veterinary Service. In addition to the clinics, the locations the group has met are as follows:

        1. Janesville Stockyards
        2. VFW Club
        3. Monterey Hotel
        4. Hoffman House
        5. Selen's
        6. Milwaukee Grill
        7. HHFFRRRGGH Restaurant

With meetings being held on the second Monday evening of the month many gatherings included time a tthe bar, conversing and viewing Monday Night Football that began in 1970 on ABC.

Christmas parties were held during the 90s at varous restaurants and spouses were included in these celerations. Christmas parties were also held at Dr. Stan Oxenreider's Christmas Tree Farm in Browntown. Summe picnics were held at Dr. Leonard Winn's lake home on Whitewater Lake.


RVVMA stopped meeting monthly in about 2005. Due to low attendance in the summer months, no meetings are held in June, July and August. The group meets from September to May. The September meeting is held at Janesville's Rotary Gardens amd is known as the Kick Off Meeting. Retired (senior) veterinarians are invited so they can come and reminisce.

The meetings include dinner followed by a business meeting and an educational presentation. Presently, all presentations are by invited speakers, i.e. commercial companies, tech service,vets, specialists, UW instructors, police humane officers, veterinary practice sales representatives, etc. The meals are paid for by the association.

RVVMA's members come from a four county area: Rock, Green, Jefferson, and Walworth. The Association has a membership of about 100 veterinarians. The dues are $25 per doctor per year.

In 1975 the Rock Valley Veterinary Medical Association started providing veterinary services for our local county fairs (Rock, Walworth, Jefferson and Green). The association charges for services on an hourly basis. The fee is $37.25 per hour starting from the time the veterinarian heads to the fairgrounds until he or she gets back to the clinic. Much of the income is re-invested in youth animal projects in the way of trophies, ribbons and showing equipment.

In about 1990, the Association started a scholarship fund for a senior graduating from the UW School of Veterinary Medicine in the amount of $1,000, and a $500 scholarship for a second year Madison college veterinary technician student. Recently the mebershiop voted to give another $500 scholorship to a second year Globe University veterinary technician student as well.

Several Rock Valley VMA members have been outstanding leaders in bovine medicine and health management statewide nd nationally, and of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Notable are Dr. Lee Allenstein of Whitewater, Dr. Robert Keith of Monroe, Dr. Roland Jeans of Evansville, and Dr. David Rhoda of Evansville. Twelve past members have served as president of the Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association and six have been cited as WVMA Veterinarian of the year.